After reading Johnny Mad Dog, it crossed my mind whether he is a victim or just a cold blooded monster. I know that people are responsible for their actions, but after studying child soldiers can someone put the blame totally on these kids. These kids are taken from wherever they are and put into situations where they are trained to kill and do crazy acts of violence. It is like a child they grow up in a house where the parents are racist and the children are trained to behave the same way do we blame the child or the parent.
I am not taking up for Johnny I am just looking at it from a different view I am trying to see all angels of this. It is sickens me that their government does not protect the children, but instead almost promotes this and no one is held accountable. The scene I just keep replaying in my mind is the scene from Blood Diamonds where the boy is blindfolded and is told to shoot and when takes off his blindfold he has killed a man. Then when he meets up with his father his mind is so far gone that he doesn't distinguish from right or wrong.
Are these children responsible for their actions or is it the adults who take the children from their natural surroundings and turn them into monsters. I almost feel kind of sorry for him, because he was probably young got recruited and starting his life of torturing these people. What if he was never a child soldier would he be this heartless?
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