Hungry families around the world is upsetting. We see images on tv of children that have not had enough to eat while we sit on our couches and stuff our faces. When we think about most of this society is one pay check away from being homeless. Why now is it a privilege just to feed our families? Especially in Africa and the United States. These two countries have the resources to make a difference in families lives and they don't. There are many organizations that aid in the fighting of hunger in many under developed countries. One organization is Care and Care has reached 65 million people in 71 countries. Another organization is mongabay and on their website mongabay.com there was some facts concerning the hunger rate in many poor countries:
-hunger and mal nutrition kill nearly 6 million children a year and more people are mal nourish in sub Saharan Africa this decade than in 1990.
-many children die form treatable infections diseases like diarrhea, pneumonia,malaria, and measles.
-hunger and mal nutrition root causes of poverty
-In 2004, estimated 852 million people worldwide were under nourished
-Around 75 percent of the world's hungry and poor people live in a rural areas in poor countries.
As we look around in America and how the welfare lines are getting longer and the benefits are not there for the families. The only people that are in the middle of this are the children. The can't go out and work to get food they only depend on their families. It is a sad site to see. Many images that we have seen in Africa are of the children with the big stomachs.
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